Monday, October 12, 2020

The Mission ...

 ... is proving to be more difficult (even impossible) to watch from home. If you have a Mac or Windows machine, you are probably OK, so long as you download & install VLC Media Player. Those with Chromebooks should make sure your device is up-to-date and install VLC via the Chrome Web Store - READ & FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS. I am trying to upload another version of the film to GooClass, but it may also not be playable. We have to figure out a solution for other things moving forward. If you solved this conundrum (Mac, Windows & Chromebook), share your knowledge with me & others!

UPDATE 1: I DID find a FREE version via YouTube! Check the GooClass for the link.

Remember that I am available for 1-on-1 meetings regarding Exam 1.1 analysis & advice. Just pop in during your scheduled hour and we can bounce ideas back and forth. If you missed it today, consider popping in tomorrow. Shoot me an email in the AM and we can schedule a Zoom.

UPDATE 2: After some conversations with a handful of your peers, I think we have ideas to share. I will update the blog after every M/T and Th/F seminar lesson. I will also add either a midweek (Weds) or Weekend post. These will be summaries of main ideas, any notes, and major takeaways. As you read/review them, you should take a minute or two in order to simply reflect on how you can justify or disprove (?), or even develop an original analysis & synthesis of content in developing a new "take" on the material. This would also come into play when writing your WIL. take one extra minute (really - just one more minute) to reflect on what we did & what you learned by doing those things. MOve that info from short-term into long term memory, while reinforcing connections and relevancy. Lastly - READ THE QUESTION. Thoroughly. Put a PAUSE on panic mode and work through the exam as it is presented. There are often times when you can use info from a previous question to help guide an answer in a later query. We have one more exam like this, after which the remaining are group dissection of the question & answer production, followed by a presentation. We may have one more MC exam in Q2 or Q3, just to keep you on your toes and see if you have taken steps to improve your test-taking performance.

I'll be reading WIL 1.4 and writing Letters of Rec over the next 2 days. You should catch up in your classes, enjoy the outdoors, and solve any tech issues you may have. The next 4.5 months will be ... challenging. 

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