Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Points, Attendance, and Tech ... Oh My!

The emails continue to pour in regarding a missed point here and there (or *gasp* 2-3 points)! Oh, the HUMANITY! It is VERY apparent to me that a few of you did NOT really grasp the lesson(s) from Kohn (From Degrading to De-Grading). This whole DL model, combined with IB expectations, has created some difficulties for everyone. I provide Assignments (tasks) with GForm surveys to be completed as "check-ins" for seminar prep & reflection. If you do NOT do it (or can't due to tech), then channel your inner Elsa and ... LET IT GO! The fates will help us meet our Aztec interpretation and find that everything balances out in a deserved manner. But, here is yet ANOTHER reminder of some basics:

WILs must be thorough and show the depth of thought. At a minimum, you MUST address/include parts 3-5 (What you learned, answer the WIL question, and then a self-assessment). They should be in paragraph form and follow a typical 5-paragraph essay model. Question #4 is posted Weds PM and the WIL is  DUE by Monday Eve.

Seminars require that you read, watch, and think. You just complete the Pre-Seminar GForm the DAY (afternoon is fine) BEFORE we conduct the actual seminar. I use that pre-work to develop questions/topics for the seminar. The Post-Seminar Reflection GForm must be completed within a couple of days (typically by the next Fri or Mon). I believe it will automatically send you a copy of your response. Seminars also require your attendance - if you are NOT there, you did NOT participate! However, if you completed the pre-seminar work and the Reflection, then you will be OK. Over the course of a quarter, a couple of missed points will be lost in the ether of time (& other seminars). The reason for the seminars is due to the need to collaboratively analyze the material you read on your own so you can synthesize it into a coherent narrative for your own repository from which you can draw upon for formal assessments (essays, exams, etc.). In the beforetimes, we would read some materials aloud in class, but the DL model is better suited to the seminars.

Tech Issues will always be a concern. But, if you are consistently facing difficulties, you must notify the MPS IT gurus. It is unfair to everyone (especially you) if you cannot do what is expected because of tech issues. They can help your troubleshoot, offer you a device, and even get you internet access. 

Exam 1.1 is scheduled for Weds 10-7. It will cover EVERYTHING from Day 1 through Seminar 1.5. It will be via another GForm and must be submitted by the end of the class period. You will be asked to verify that you will not cheat (additional tab, readings & notes in front of you, etc.), which is pointless, anyway. If you do cheat and get a stellar score, then I will assume you are fine with everything and don't need assistance with any processing. Read the materials, review your notes, discuss with others & you will do fine.

If you did not pick up your course materials, you should request a pickup slot ASAP. You were given at least 5 opportunities to pick them up over the previous 3 weeks. 

Lastly, I have made my IBA Planner available for your perusal. It is a LIVE document, meaning I modify it. But t should be useful when trying to plan ahead.

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